Thursday, June 12, 2008

From Slip to Muck to Naked

It's a beautiful evening and boys are delightfully dirty.

The evening started out much cleaner and equally as delightful. For his birthday Jack received one of the most wonderful summer time toys ... a slip and slide. Swimming suits on, hose on, slip and slide set up... pure joy. Even mom took part in the fun. No, I did not slip or slide! I got splashed until soaked and snapped lots of action shots of the boys --- all four of them (since Declan our neigborhood son was joining us for the indoctrination of the slip-n- slide).

Now, this summer the cicadas are VERY loud and as I sat on the deck supervising the sliding and catching up on emails their constant song blocked out most of the squealing and shouts of the boys. However, as mom of boys there are a few key words that even the droan of our bug friends could never muffle ... flood and mud are two of them.

It never takes but a moment for my group to be redirected, usually into mischief. So, I looked up to find the slip and slide disconnected from the hose and redirected to one of many dirt patches in our backyard, hence the mud. Now, a little mud never hurt anyone, especially my boys. In fact it's almost therapeutic for them at times. It wasn't until a few moments later when I heard the word naked, that I keenly became aware of four stark naked, wet, mud covered boys running through the muck with absolute glee.

We have a rule about nakedness. No naked boys in the backyard. I wrangled them all inside for baths and tried to apologize to the neighbor enjoying the evening on her deck and smiling in appreciation of childhood and motherhood.

Thank the dear Lord for understanding neighbors and slip and slides.

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