Monday, August 11, 2008

He Plum Killed It

This is a perfect example of why this blog title includes the word Messes.

7 p.m. Bedtime was just around the corner. We had cleaned up the toy room and I had corralled all 3 little dudes upstairs. As they played, I was busy putting away laundry and cleaning the bathroom.

At the top of his lungs, Nate screams: “I killed it. I killed it.”

I walked out of my bedroom to find the upstairs hall carpet covered in dark red spots. The carpet looked like a crime scene.

Upon investigating, I discovered that Jack had found a red plum hidden in his room. [Food is not allowed in the bedroom. That is a house rule.] Apparently, this red plum had turned soft and moldy and he placed it in the hall and called Nate to come look at it. Nate assuming the fruit was some sort of creature. Stepped on it repeatedly and then walked off with “dead” plum on his shoe.

Now, I wish I had taken a picture of the mess, but I was so overwhelmed with the stain potential that cold water, rags, stain remover, and the steam cleaner were the only things on my mind.

Hence, the inclusion of the word Messes.

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