Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Let's Catch Up

Three months in one post . . . here goes.

We did not win the home improvement contest. We came in 11 th. Olivia’s Potty Project won. No one was greatly concerned with our defeat. However, I think the front landscaping and all updates and renovations to the front of our house won’t be finished this year. (Okay, I know this for a fact. It’s just really hard to accept).

However, we did undertake some big home improvement projects indoors. Scott did a fabulous job installing hard wood in two rooms. We painted the entire downstairs including the kitchen cabinets, replaced all base boards, had new bathroom and kitchen floors installed, and by the grace of God managed to do all this without losing our minds or incurring any major injuries.

Aunt Roberta and Uncle Ryan will be welcoming a baby boy in December. Aunt Beth and Uncle Pete will be adding a baby girl to their family in January.

Nathan has a new friend named Jo Jo. Jo Jo is a fireman. He has no brothers. He has an orange cat for a pet. He rides a school bus, plays basketball, likes to run to first base, and has, on occasion, been sent home for hitting. Last night at the park, Nate was pretty certain he saw Jo Jo, but it turned out it was just a boy in an orange shirt.

Nate started preschool. He loves it. He was the only 3 year old who cried when his mother picked him up after the first day. He was devastated that the bus was not taking him home. His teacher reports that he is sweet, polite and an excellent listener.

Jack started kindergarten. He loves it. His entire attitude about school has changed. Everyday he has something to share. He likes his teacher and especially loves to ride the bus home. He has decided that he wants to be a tractor man when he gets older. He is a complete ball of energy when he gets homes both physically and verbally. He says his teacher thinks his class is smarter than a fifth grader and this makes Jack very happy. He looks adorable in his school uniform.

Danny continues to master his language skills. His favorite phrases and words, truly depict his third child status and include:

“I mad at you.”

“Right here.” In response, to where’s Danny?

“I pee pee potty.”

“Mommy/Daddy where are you?”

“No mine.”

“Jack bus.”

He participates in every activity or adventure his brothers include him in. He can push Jack around in the wagon, climb the playground equipment, color/draw, and help out mom and dad. He has all his teeth, except for his four eye teeth which he has been working on all summer. He absolutely loves VW beetles and goes crazy when he sees a love bug of any color.

We survived hurricane Ike. We lost power for about 36 hours and had two trees topple. The boys were relatively unfazed by the event.

Whew. Those are the highlights. Thanks for hanging in there.

1 comment:

Stacy Wegley said...

At long last, my Bierer boys fix. Keep em' coming!